Revelation 13:18 NASB

Revelation 13:18 NASB

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DTTO | Imam Mahdi’s birth anniversary observed | False Prophet

Imam Mahdi’s birth anniversary observed

Keeping up with the tradition, Muslims in Kashmir have observed the mid-Shaban ceremonies with tremendous solemnity and fervor.

Thousands of devotees thronged shrines and mosques across this Muslim majority region last night to celebrate the 15th day of the month of Shaban.

The day marks the birth anniversary of the 12th Shia Imam and the savior of humanity, Hazrat Imam Mehdi (peace be upon him).

A number of rallies and conferences were held across Kashmir to commemorate the auspicious occasion.

One such conference was held in central Kashmir’s Bemina area and was attended by both Shia and Sunni scholars.

The speakers threw light on the relevance of Mahdism doctrine and its concept in different Islamic schools of thought. They said that Mahdism is one of the symbols of unity among Muslims.

Speakers in this conference believe that in order to prepare the ground for the Imam's reappearance, we need to develop a reformist spirit in ourselves and others. They believe this is important for creating change in society.

Almost every religion in the world believes in the advent of a savior or a messiah. Shias hold the belief that Imam Mehdi, the twelfth Imam of Shias, will come out of the occultation and establish justice and order.

A believer waits with an elixir of hope to see and participate in the process of change. But, according to the Mahdism doctrine, merely being disgruntled with the status quo is not sufficient. We have to strive hard and prepare the ground for a visible change to happen.

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