Revelation 13:18 NASB

Revelation 13:18 NASB

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Unique Id for the World

by Christine Hobson

In recent months we've read in  newspapers about the "Change" coming to the Medical Insurance Industry, only to be spoon fed by the MSM (Main Stream Media) regarding the Healthcare Bill. Leaving us  muddling through what was  first purposed,  passing just this past week. It has many left wondering just what exactly is involved for the citizens of the United States and how this could directly effect their day to day life. After all, the Obama Administration has the people's best interest and freedoms at the fore front, correct? Nah....

Socialized Medicine has always gone hand in hand with a facists governement to unsurp the publics ability to think and make decisions for oneself and family.

Last year speculation surfaced surrounding page (1004) and the possibly of the Health Card actually becoming a National ID. There is talk of using a implant such as PositiveID that has a UIN,  a 16-Digit Unique Identification Number stored on it to implant into a person. This will link, Your Health Records, Credit History, Social Security, as well as applying Biometric technology to serve as a 'Key" to access a persons Medical Records. This number is assigned by collecting various forms of biometrics depending on the standard set by the agency requiring the information. It is from the fingerprint, iris, or vein scan that your UIN is determined, applying a geometric algorithm that takes a measurement of said feature to assign this number. This number is unique to you alone from cradle to grave. You will no longer be known by a name, but a number.

The Obama Health care bill under Class II
(Paragraph 1, Section B) specifically includes

‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.” Then on page 1004 it describes what the term “data” means in paragraph 1, section B:

14 ‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to in15

formation respecting a device described in paragraph (1),

16 including claims data, patient survey data, standardized

17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of

18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health

19 records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the

20 Secretary”

What exactly is a class II device that is implantable?

Lets see…in page 1004 of the bill.

Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is a “implantable radio-frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.”

The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as “claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.”

Future UIN applications relate to biosensor integrated device interacting with radio signals for monitoring and rescuing patients.

UIN shall be subsequently supplemented by a tracking device that operates through satellite and radio signals, and the integrated system would become HITS (Human Identification and Tracking System).

President Barack Obama wants every citizen to have electronic medical records. One of the challenges in health care though is making sure the correct record is linked to the right patient and that the information is secure.

Palm Id Identify is distinctive because of the cutting edge technology used to identify patients on arrival and its ease of use. Similar to fingerprints, each person has a unique vein pattern in the palm of their hand. Even identical twins will have a different palm vein patterns. Palm Identify makes use of Fujitsu's palm scanners to capture this unique pattern and assigns this identifier to the patient's medical record during the initial visit to the hospital. Patients are then quickly scanned on all reoccurring visits which validates the patient and their medical record.

A California hospital says it has started identifying new patients using a biometric registration system that scans their palms.

Officials at El Camino Hospital in Mountain View, Calif., said the biometric registration system "reads" patients' identities by scanning their palms' vein structures.

The system uses a near infrared light to capture a patient's palm vein pattern, generating a unique biometric template that is matched against a database of enrolled users' palm vein patterns.

It is the U.S.'s Government policy expected to drive biometric growth in healthcare, though not alone in this venture in recent months we've heard that in Australia E-health has numbers in new ID scheme .

Every Australian is to be issued with a new 16-digit identification number as part of the move towards a national e-health system.

Minister for Health, Nicola Roxon said the move would create an integrated and consistent e-health system, giving confidence to consumers and providers. Australians are set to get a health ID number, laying the groundwork for a national electronic health records system.

Introduced by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's Labor government February 10, the legislation calls for all Australian residents to receive a special 16-digit code, called an Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI). this is not the only move by kevin Rudd to assure the collection of information from it's public. Unisys has been tapped for Australian biometric driver license to be issued. Sound familair? Unisys Corporation, developer of various biometric technologies and solutions, has announced that it has been chosen by Australia’s Queensland Transport to provide facial recognition services for their new digital driver licenses.

This is really nothing new. Infact the French for example, introduced their first smart card technology for health care called “carte vitale” back in 1998. The card contains every medical transaction of the patient, a record that is accessible by any physician or hospital seeing that patient.

The recent drive to collect one medical records and assilimilate into one data base is the driving force behind this collection. Susposidely to "Streamline the process for those being seen in hospitals and clinics" To give these facilities more freedom during and emergency allowing them to move more quickly and efficiently. Companies such as PatientKeeper and NextGate have formed a Partnership for Health Information Exchange, PatientKeeper®, Inc., the leading provider of Physician Information Technology, is working with NextGate to help healthcare organizations combine data from disparate systems to create a unified and complete record for each patient in their care.

It would certainly be more convenient to just walk in a hospital and give a thumbprint and get seen then muddling through a bunch of paperwork now wouldn't it?

VeriMed Health Link a subsidery of PositiveID is in front for allowing ER doctors and nurses immediate access to your personal health record and emergency contact information during an emergency. These records would be stored on a webpage for every citizen a long with public and confidential information. Your personal medical and emergency contact information is easily updated through Health Link’s secure, online database. About the size of a grain of rice, the microchip is inserted just under the skin and contains only a unique, 16-digit identifier. The microchip itself does not contain any other data other than this unique electronic ID, nor does it contain any Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking capabilities. And unlike conventional forms of identification, the Health Link cannot be lost, stolen, misplaced, or counterfeited. It is safe, secure, reversible, and always with you.

This is essentially a UIN/UID database which is accessible to to law enforcement, medial and governemt agencies, when authorized under specific circumstances.The UIN shall, work as part of an integrated scheme and system that aims at eliminating terrorism, protecting identity, prevent frauds and is an attempt towards making this world a better place to be by Global Integration. This U.S. does not stand alone in it's attempt to identify every citizen. Almost all countries in the world are currently under going a transformation on the collection and assimilation of information of persons under many mechanisms and schemes.

The first section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the public domain .

The data in public domain shall be accessible at all times to those who have the UIN followed by the public-domain access code.

The public domain access would reveal no more information than what is normally available on a personal business card.

The second section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the medical domain.The data under medical domain shall be accessible at all times on-line or by call only to authorized hospitals and registered medical practitioners who have the UIN followed by the medical-domain access code.

The third section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the confidential domain. This data contains all the information about UIN holderthat is of a confidential nature and captures the fields as Country of birth with state, county, address of birth place, time of birth, all detailed addresses where the UIN holder has lived over 5 years, details of educational qualifications with institutes attended. Also, fields like complete present address with telephone number, country of residence, country of citizenship and details of all identifications issued so far and all numbers issued (viz. ITIN, SSN # etc.) and details of all passports and visas ever carried or issued. This data is periodically updated and the UIN holder has to own the responsibility to submit data for verification and update to the UIN issuing authority. The data related to educational qualifications including details of all schools attended, degrees or diplomas obtained, years of graduation, and subject of major. Professional affiliations, with all places of work and positions held, name of supervisor and address of workplace with dates worked. Professional societies, religious bodies or charitable and voluntary organization memberships and affiliations, positions held with dates since affiliated and addresses of the organizations. Details of birth marks and identification marks. In addition, DNA Samples of the UIN holder shall be obtained (optionally), referenced with UIN and stored at a secure site in a protected environment.

The Personal Information under confidential domain is not disclosed to anyone who is not authorized to access this information. The authorized law-enforcement agencies would be able to access this information only by a combination of three keys. The three keys are - public information access code given by the UIN holder, the security access key (authorization code) known only to the law enforcement agencies that is periodically changed to maintain confidentiality, and a third access code key that is specifically issued to the law enforcement officer requesting the information. To get the third access code, the law enforcement personnel seeking information will need to identify themselves.

The UIN holder shall be issued a UIN card that carries UIN number, name of the UIN holder, picture of the UIN holder, and a thumb impression for unique identification.

The cards themselves will be issued in various forms such as a Healthcare Card, National Workers ID, TWIC card, Driver's License, even a new Social Security card.

Pretty soon a person will not be able to receive healthcare, work, travel, bank or identify themselves without leaving a unique idenifier behind.

-Christine Hobson

A U.S. Biometrics Agency

As of last week, there is now a U.S. Government national security agency called the Biometrics Identity Management Agency (BIMA). It supersedes a Biometrics Task Force that was established in 2000.

Though nominally a component of the Army, the biometrics agency has Defense Department-wide responsibilities.

“The Biometrics Identity Management Agency leads Department of Defense activities to prioritize, integrate, and synchronize biometrics technologies and capabilities and to manage the Department of Defense’s authoritative biometrics database to support the National Security Strategy,” according to a March 23 Order (pdf) issued by Army Secretary John M. McHugh that redesignated the previous Biometrics Task Force as the BIMA.

Biometrics is generally defined as “a measurable biological (anatomical and physiological) [or] behavioral characteristic that can be used for automated recognition.”

“Biometric data [are] normally unclassified,” according to a 2008 DoD directive (pdf). “However, elements of the contextual data, information associated with biometric collection, and/or associated intelligence analysis may be classified.”

“Biometrics-enabled Intelligence [refers to] intelligence information associated with and or derived from biometrics data that matches a specific person or unknown identity to a place, activity, device, component, or weapon that supports terrorist / insurgent network and related pattern analysis, facilitates high value individual targeting, reveals movement patterns, and confirms claimed identity.”

“Biometrics is an important enabler that shall be fully integrated into the conduct of DoD activities to support the full range of military operations,” the 2008 directive stated.

“Every day thousands of [biometric] records are collected and sent to the Department of Defense (DOD) Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) to store and compare against existing records,” a 2009 DoD report (pdf) said. “The technology is improving such that a submission from theater [e.g., in Afghanistan] can be searched in the DOD ABIS and a response sent back to theater in less than two minutes.”

“Realtime positive identification of persons of interest enables Coalition forces to target, track, and prosecute known or potential adversaries,” the DoD report said.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A webpage for every citizen as Labour plans paperless society

Well, well, well....One mainframe to rule them all.

Face-to-face public service centres like jobcentres and passport offices could be scrapped in favour of websites within four years, the Prime Minister has said.

New plans to be unveiled next week aim to move all public services online within four years.

The plans could make face-to-face transactions a thing of the past – and could mean the end of hundreds of call centres and benefit offices.

Tens of thousands of public sector jobs could be scrapped in Jobcentres, passport centres and town halls as a result of the plans, which the government says will save £4 billion over four years.

The government wants everybody in the country to have a personalised website within a year. 

Now check this out....

UIN database comprises of public, health, and confidential information.

UIN database is accessible to law enforcement agencies, when authorized under specific circumstances.

Future UIN applications relate to biosensor integrated device interacting with radio signals for monitoring and rescuing patients.

*Implant (HITS)
The UIN shall, work as part of an integrated scheme and system that aims at eliminating terrorism, protecting identity, prevent frauds and is an attempt towards making this world a better place to be by Global Integration. UIN shall be subsequently supplemented by a tracking device that operates through satellite and radio signals, and the integrated system would become HITS (Human Identification and Tracking System).

The first section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the public domain

The data in public domain shall be accessible at all times to those who have the UIN followed by the public-domain access code.

The public domain access would reveal no more information than what is normally available on a personal business card.

The second section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the medical domain.The data under medical domain shall be accessible at all times on-line or by call only to authorized hospitals and registered medical practitioners who have the UIN followed by the medical-domain access code.

The third section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the confidential domain. This data contains all the information about UIN holderthat is of a confidential nature and captures the fields as Country of birth with state, county, address of birth place, time of birth, all detailed addresses where the UIN holder has lived over 5 years, details of educational qualifications with institutes attended. Also, fields like complete present address with telephone number, country of residence, country of citizenship and details of all identifications issued so far and all numbers issued (viz. ITIN, SSN # etc.) and details of all passports and visas ever carried or issued. This data is periodically updated and the UIN holder has to own the responsibility to submit data for verification and update to the UIN issuing authority. The data related to educational qualifications including details of all schools attended, degrees or diplomas obtained, years of graduation, and subject of major. Professional affiliations, with all places of work and positions held, name of supervisor and address of workplace with dates worked. Professional societies, religious bodies or charitable and voluntary organization memberships and affiliations, positions held with dates since affiliated and addresses of the organizations. Details of birth marks and identification marks. In addition, DNA Samples of the UIN holder shall be obtained (optionally), referenced with UIN and stored at a secure site in a protected environment.

the Personal Information under confidential domain is not disclosed to anyone who is not authorized to access this information. The authorized law-enforcement agencies would be able to access this information only by a combination of three keys. The three keys are - public information access code given by the UIN holder, the security access key (authorization code) known only to the law enforcement agencies that is periodically changed to maintain confidentiality, and a third access code key that is specifically issued to the law enforcement officer requesting the information. To get the third access code, the law enforcement personnel seeking information will need to identify themselves.

the UIN holder shall be issued a UIN card that carries UIN number, name of the UIN holder, picture of the UIN holder, and a thumb impression for unique identification.

Read more about this here


Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Gathering Storm - How the UID Project Will Tranform India Into a Police State

Various initiatives within the government are converging to transform India into a classic police state. Enabling this transformation is everyone’s darling, the UID project. The UID project is a triumph of marketing over reality. Marketed as a fundamental enabler for targeted delivery of government services, UID numbers will instead form the bedrock for pervasive state surveillance.

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) however, has repeatedly downplayed the use of UID numbers for surveillance and security functions by consistently omitting this topic in official communication through their website and press releases. Nevertheless the context and limited scope of the Authority reveal its real intent. While conceptually the project has been in discussion since the Vajpayee government (2002), renewed impetus came in the wake of Mumbai terror attacks in November 2008. The UIDAI was established in February 2009, less than three months of the attack. Despite the altruistic marketing, the Authority refuses responsibility for improved service delivery stating, “The UIDAI is only in the identity business. The responsibility of tracking beneficiaries and the governance of service delivery will continue to remain with the respective agencies”.

Concurrently with setting up the UIDAI, the Indian Parliament substantially amended the Information Technology Act 2000 in December 2008 to give the government power to tap all communications without a court order or a warrant. Section 69 of ITA 2008 states “[…] necessary or expedient to do in the interest of the sovereignty or integrity of India, defense of India, security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States or public order or for preventing incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence relating to above or for investigation of any offence, it may […] direct any agency of the appropriate Government to intercept, monitor or decrypt or cause to be intercepted or monitored or decrypted any information transmitted received or stored through any computer resource.”

Against this legislative and infrastructural background, the government is setting up a national intelligence grid (NATGRID). The NATGRID under Raghu Raman (ex-CEO, Mahindra Special Services Group) will interlink 21 categories of databases (railway and air travel, Income Tax, phone calls, bank account details, credit card transactions, visa and immigration records, property records, driving licence) for real-time monitoring of all residents in the country. NATGRID is expected to be fully operation by May 2011 and will eventually use UID numbers for these inter-database linkages.
Simultaneously work has begun on the National Population Register (NPR) which will collect information such as name, sex, date of birth, current marital status, name of father, mother and spouse, educational level attained, nationality, occupation, activity pursued, present and permanent addresses along with individual biometrics. Chidambaram has cautioned that due care needs to be taken to ensure that “illegal” residents in border districts (Bangladesh, Nepal) don’t worm their way into the NPR giving the census an ominous policing quality. The NPR will depend on UID for de-duplication.

UID numbers will also facilitate the advance of a neoliberal state. There’s trepidation amongst many in the civil society about data convergence using UID numbers, and its monetization for private profit. This is not just a remote possibility but part of the official intent. The government is licensing credit information companies (CICs) under the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act 2005 to develop consumers’ credit profiles based on their transaction history from banks, NBFCs, telecoms and insurance companies. CICs will use UID numbers to collect and collate this information. This will inevitably lead to the type of predatory marketing seen in the United States (on the basis of social security numbers) and on the other side facilitate financial exclusion not inclusion of the poor. The Authority itself takes a predictably hands-off approach to data convergence stating, “Convergence of existing databases will need to be addressed and governed under a larger data protection regime applicable to the whole country and therefore this is a matter beyond the mandate of the UIDAI”.

While terror is a high-profile and charged topic in the country, mass surveillance cannot be justified in the name of improved security. There are other alternatives to track organized terror outfits without undertaking blanket real-time citizen monitoring. In fact there is substantial evidence that identity cards/numbers would not have prevented many recent terror attacks (e.g., Madrid bombings in 2004, 9/11, London underground attacks in 2005, Israel suicide bombings, Pakistan bombings). Moreover surveillance in India is not just limited to identifying alleged terrorists but any activity that can be twisted into “defense/sovereignty of India” or cognizable offence. The potential for misuse is tremendous (e.g., inconvenient activists, purported Maoists).
UID project’s basic premise of fundamentally improving delivery of welfare services does not withstand scrutiny. UID deployment will come at a prohibitively high cost and only address a small subset of leakages in marked contrast to other more effective governance mechanisms inexplicably snubbed by the government. At the same UID deployment will enable a mass surveillance police state leading to both invasion of individual privacy and curtailment of civil liberties. There is immediate need for transparency about the objectives of the project and a vigorous public debate on its need and relevance.

UPDATE: Identity Authority Launches New Registration Strategy

ABU DHABI — Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) on Sunday announced the launch of the New Registration Strategy (NRS), which will make it easier for nationals and expatriates to register with the body.
Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khuri, Deputy Chairman of the Senior Management Committee at EIDA, said the body, as part of its strategy, is set to establish registration centres near the centres of preventive medicine, coordinate with schools and universities, and register workers at their homes
Procedures at registration centres are expected to be speeded up from 20 minutes to 8-10 minutes. Each registration centre will now be able to process 8,000 applicants per day, which will eventually reach 12,000. This can translate to two million per annum.
The strategy will be implemented from April. He said applicants can finalise most of the registration procedures, including completing data in the registration form, payment of transaction fees and scanning of main documents at printing centres.
These printing offices will also scan photos of children below 15-years. For those over 15, an appointment will have to be made, after which the applicant will go to an EIDA centre. Data will be transferred electronically from the printing offices to the auditing office affiliated to EIDA.
This office will verify the data filled in at the printing centers and compare it with existing data on the systems of the Ministry of Interior. All registration centres affiliated to EIDA as well as mobile registration stations will be transformed into hubs for taking photos and fingerprints only.
In the second phase, the system will network with the procedures followed by the Ministry of Interior for visa issuance and renewal. He noted that such a mechanism will enable EIDA complete the registration of all residents in the UAE within three years, which is the maximum period of residence.
The third phase envisages registration of workers at their places of work or residence. He explained that the Board of Directors has approved the purchase of 200 additional registration for this purpose.
Registration devices affiliated to EIDA will be located near centres of preventive medicine. Various workshops were held with the Ministries of Interior and Labour and Preventive Medicine Department for merging the current registration form into one standard form. The new electronic form will include a mechanism for collecting fees from the printing office. After that, fees shall be transferred to the beneficiary authorities through an electronic system of clearance.
The registration form will contain data related to the Department of Naturalization & Residence; Ministry of Labor; Preventive Medicine Department and the Population Register & Identity Card System.  EIDA will also establish a bigger centre for registering the population in Abu Dhabi City.
Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khuri, said the NRS follows directions by Lieutenant General Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors. —

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Interior Ministry Lends Urgency to Registration for National ID Card

ABU DHABI - The move to register five million citizens and residents by year-end has gained in urgency.

The Secretariat of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior, represented by the Department of Technical and Information Security, organised an intensive information campaign to be launched on Sunday, “to announce the new strategy for the Emirates Identity Authority”.

The Campaign comes under the guidance and along the lines of the 
directives of Lieutenant-General 
Shaikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, 
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of 
the Interior.

The comprehensive campaign will 
include workshops and press conferences beside meetings with relevant officials, in a step aimed at hastening 
the process of registration in the 
Population Register and ID card, before the prescribed deadline for the category of residents by the end of 2010.

The campaign also aims to remind the citizens and residents who have 
not yet registered for the card, that 
they should get the process done in order to be able to have access to 
all government services and semi-governmental, according to the Federal Law of the body.

The Campaign will be launched under the slogan of ‘identity card your way to prosperity’ as it aims to achieve the goal of completing the registration of 5 million in the Population Register and ID card at the end of 2010.

The Campaign will be included educational programmes will be used in 
different kinds of media in various 
languages, in addition to the advertisements associated with the campaign, which will be published in the most 
vital areas in the country.

It is worth noting that the lack of registration in the Population Register and ID Card will result in denial of many services in different sectors and institutions, as well as non-acceptance of a person not carrying an identity card, according to a federal law of the body.

EMERGENCY ALERT - Stop the NEW Real ID - S.1261 - The PASS Act

Dear friends and fellow American, I have an EMERGENCY ACTION ALERT for you Today that requires your immediate and direct attention.

This ALERT is regarding the MORPHING of REAL ID in to the PASS ACT. The REAL ID as you may or may not know was the failed law that snuck through congress in May of 2005 that would require all Americans to Carry a standardized FEDERAL ID card with an embedded trackable chip.

NOW I need you to contact your senate committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs IMMEDIATELY to STOP THE PASS ACT - S.1261

Special interests groups are trying to force Democrats, Independents and Republicans to support this legislation. States have been and are working to ensure drivers licenses are secure documents and have document integrity. The federal government, in spite of the states, wants to set international standards that are not needed. The federal government wants control of your state drivers license. The federal government is bribing states to go along with its plans.

We spoke with Mark Lerner about the emerging PASS Act a few weeks ago.

Our freedom and our rights are not for sale!

Some governors want to take the bribe money.

The senate committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs will be considering the legislation very soon.

The PASS Act does not repeal the Real ID Act. It does repeal provisions of the Real ID Act; those provisions that are included in Title II of the Real ID Act 2005. The Real ID Act is still intact and is federal law.

The PASS Act contains many of the most egregious aspects of the Real ID Act; including the requirement for a digital facial image/photograph that will be mandated to be internationally facial recognition compatible.

There is not a federal law that prohibits the simultaneous use of CCTV/surveillance cameras and facial recognition technology in real time.

The PASS Act will do nothing to provide a higher level of National security. Under the provisions of the PASS Act the documents used to obtain a drivers license are not authenticated. These documents are called breeder documents.

Although requirements for new databases and the linking of databases are not part of the PASS Act the fact remains through and NLETS states can still have information contained in their state Department of Motor Vehicles made available to both federal and international law enforcement agencies without a court order.

Two international agencies (AAMVA and the ICAO, an agency of the United Nations) were involved in U.S. policy and law - the Real ID Act 2005 and the newly proposed PASS Act. DHS has called AAMVA the hub and backbone of the Real ID Act. On AAMVAs own web-site it proclaims it is an international organization that serves law enforcement and motor vehicle administrators.

Both the Real ID Act and the PASS Act result in Americans being enrolled into a single global biometric identification system that links a persons body to their ability to buy and sell.
WE ARE ASKING EVERY AMERICAN TO CALL EACH OF THE SENATORS in the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee AND SAY:

We are opposed to the Real ID Act and the PASS Act
We are opposed to being enrolled into a biometric identification system
We do not want our social security numbers in state DMV databases
We do not want RFID chips in our drivers licenses
We are opposed to the federal government intervening in the issuance of state drivers licenses


Senator Lieberman (202) 224-4041 Chairman

Senator Collins (202) 224-2523

Senator Akaka (202) 224-6361

Senator Bennet (202) 224-5852

Senator Burris (202) 224-2854

Senator Carper (202) 224-2441

Senator Coburn (202) 224-5754

Senator Ensign (202) 224-6244

Senator Graham (202) 224-5972

Senator Landrieu (202) 224-5824

Senator Levin (202) 224-6221

Senator McCain (202) 224-2235

Senator McCaskill (202) 224-6154

Senator Pryor (202) 224-2353

Senator Tester (202) 224-2644

Senator Voinovich (202) 224-3353

The First, Fourth and Tenth Amendments are under attack. The Second Amendment will follow. This is not a partisan issue. All Americans must take action now. 16 calls per American, 16 minutes (one minute per call) for a Lifetime of Freedom.

This Alert has been provided by the STOP REAL ID COALITON and Restore the Republic.

Please forward this ALERT to all you know, embed it on your favorite blogs and forums, and take action now to preserve freedom in America!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Concerns around bank biometric system

Security may be a concern in a biometrics deal signed between the South African Banking Risk Information Centre (Sabric) and the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

Sabric, on behalf of South African banks, signed the deal with the DHA, which allows banks to conduct online fingerprint verification of bank clients

The agreement means banks will have access to the Home Affairs National Identification System (Hanis) in order to verify the identity of current and prospective clients, since Hanis is a database of citizens' ID numbers, fingerprints and photos.

However, Frank Rizzo, MD of IT advisory at KPMG, has expressed some concerns about this system, since the information attached to a person's fingerprints is personal and would now be distributed to a wider system.

“The information is very sensitive, so we have to see that the proper security measures are in place. What are the security measures and the destruction methods?”

Rizzo questions what a bank will do with the information of individuals if they are no longer with that specific bank. He says deleting the information will be the ideal destruction method.

He explains that, if someone fraudulently accesses the information of an individual in this case, banks can't simply change their fingerprint like they would a PIN code. He feels this makes the system and the information within it even more sensitive.

Rizzo sees the value in this system, but insists the proper security measures must be in place.The advantages are huge. It's a very strong method for the proof of authentication. I think the initiative is great, but I'd like to see the proper security measures in place.”

However, Sabric CEO Kalyani Pillay says: “The integrity and security of the system and data will not be compromised at all. All the parties concerned with this initiative will take the necessary steps to ensure this.” She also adds that the system has no negative implications that have been identified emanating from the Privacy Bill, in its current form.

DHA director-general Mavuso Msimang says: “The project symbolises the public-private sector collaboration in combating potential identity crime. For us, this project signifies our stance, as custodians of South African citizens' identity, that all necessary steps will be taken to ensure the integrity of a person's identity is protected and maintained.”

The first phase of this ID and fraud prevention project was completed last year and proved the feasibility of online fingerprint verification of banking clients, says Sabric.

The current phase looks at the prerequisites for formally implementing and rolling out access by banks. Pillay says that, once this phase is over, which will be in a few months, the project will be implemented.

Currently, the cost [of the project] is nominal. The full cost will be determined when the roll-out is being planned,” notes Pillay.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


What is a Bio Number?

A bio number is the end result of the process of collecting a persons biometrics and applying an algorithim calculation to produce a UIN. Unique Identification Number. A Number of a Man.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Application of the SOMARK tattoo is simple-

It takes seconds....

SOMARK Labstamp technology is based on a unique ink tattoo and a proprietary automated application process. We have a competitive advantage thanks to our product’s reliability, ease of use, consistent quality, and user-error prevention methods. Some product versions include a scanner for ID-to-database computer compatibility.
We have three U.S. issued patents and multiple pending patents.

To enable the residents to have easy access to public services, the state is set to implement Unique Identification (UID) project under Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).  With the introduction of UID number in the state, people are supposed to have easy access to all kinds of services like PDS, revenue records, power connections, banking and many others.

this unique number will be based on self data to be provided by each person and his/her bio-metrics like ten finger prints, eyes scan and facial features will be stored in a data base and any person seeking any kind of services will have to prove his identity through these bio-metrics to avoid any duplication of identification.

Nilekani said that this ambitious project, covering entire population, will have the largest database of hundreds millions of people which will have a response time of merely five seconds to authenticate the identity of a particular individual. This number will work as the identity number of the individual which will be either learnt by him or inscribed on his wrist which when entered in UID enabled system shall replicate his identity.

UIDAI gets over 3,000 logo designs

This concerns me.....Product branding. What's the Product? YOU.
Earlier this month I pointed out in an article that suggested that the UIN could be engraved on the wrist for those that could not remember their number. Now imagine a LOGO being applied digitally via an rfid tattoo (SOMARK).  Picture it, instead of actually seeing a number, you see a "logo" that is read by a reader, and the person is then electronically confirmed as the number is read. Far fetched? Not anymore.-Christine

The UIDAI, which aims to provide a unique 16-digit number to all residents of the country by next year, has received over 3000 entries from across the country for its logo competition.

Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani-headed Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will select a logo from the lot which will become the face of the ambitious project by April.

The logo competition carries a reward of Rs 1,00,000 besides Rs 10,000 as consolation prizes.

“It is our constant endeavour to involve as much public as possible in this endeavour. The selection of the logo will take place by April,” a UIDAI official who did not wish to be identified said.

He said the selection of the logo would be based on criteria like whether or not a particular selected work would capture the essence of the mission and purpose of the UIDAI.

The official said it is important that the powerful idea behind the project gets communicated to its recipients in a way that is motivating. He said the logo will act as a visual shortcut that communicates what the brand stands for.

As part of its public partnership, the UID has also opened up a number of jobs for the general public who wish to be part of the project.

The government has proposed Rs 1,900 crore in budgetary allocation, nearly a 16-fold increase, to the Authority for the period 2010-11.

President endorses National Crime DNA database

In a recent interview, President Barack Obama was recently asked by John Walsh, an anti-crime activist since his son Adam was murdered in 1981, if a DNA database should be created upon arrest of an individual. President Obama agrees such as database needs to be created and needs funding. It’s not clear if Mr. Walsh is suggesting that DNA samples would be mandatory for all. Walsh continues to host the show he started America’s Most Wanted. In July 2006, the Adam Walsh Act came into law.

Highlights include:

Funding of the Adam Walsh Act is being held up in Congress

Walsh highlights that many states are not in compliance of Adam Walsh Act.

FBI back log remains problem in populating existing DNA records into a National Database

Religious loonies ban the beast

16 Mar 2010 09:42 | by Nick Farrell | posted in Securit

Born again loonies believing in an obscure literal translation of revelation have managed to ban the involuntary implantation of microchips into human beings.
Virginia lawmaker Mark Cole, a Fredericksburg Republican did not sponsor a bill not on the basis that anyone was planning to implant anyone, but because the “the Bible that says you’ll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times.”
Cole said that some people think these computer chips might be that mark.
Cole’s bill passed the Virginia House of Delegates by an overwhelming 88-9 majority. The reason was that while the idea might be barking, many people don't like the idea of implanting chips into people.
The idea comes from the Book of Revelation in which it says that people will not be able to buy and sell goods without a mark, or number of the beast on their hands or foreheads.
The number traditionally was given as 666, although the earliest manuscripts of Revelation give it as 668 which was more the neighbour of the beast.
Born-agains were concerned about bar coding and wanted it banned from supermarkets when it first appeared.
Biblical scholars believe that Revelation was a coded document to Christians suffering under the Roman Emperor Nero. The writer of the book used mystical language to cover an anti-Roman message. The belief was that the Roman empire was the Anti-Christ and would eventually be overthrown and Jesus would come back. The Roman empire collapsed under its own weight and Jesus is as late as a London minicab.
Meanwhile, still convinced that they are in end times, conservative Christians have “up-technologied” revelation. The Roman Empire has become the EU and the mark of the beast has become implants.
Wisconsin, California, and North Dakota have already passed legislation to protect their citizens from unwanted subdermal implants. Tennessee is passing a bill and the Georgia State Senate also passed an anti-microchip bill last month.
They claim that they seek to protect citizens from unwanted bodily intrusions by employers and especially what they depict as a big brother government.
However, at no point, other than in Revelation, has forced chipping ever been suggested.


Monday, March 15, 2010

System and Method for Universal Indentfication of Biological Humans

System and Method for Universal Indentfication
of Biological Humans

the patent # 2007/0072190A1 pub. date Mar. 29, 2007

A system and method for uniquely identifying each human being and generate a Universal Identification Number (UIN) to aid tracking. UIN database comprises of public, health, and confidential information.

The number issued for display on UIN Identity Card and used for accessing data on-line protects privacy of the individual by hiding sensitive informafion. Medical emergency data is provided to authorized hospitals and medical practitioners for advance preparedness to save lives. UIN database is accessible to law enforcement agencies, when authorized under specific circumstances. UIN prevents identity fraud by protecting unique identity of every human and helps in tracing lost or wanted people. UIN fulfills a pending need for technological system to eliminate child abduction, identity fraud, credit card theft, and help in saving lives of people. Future UIN applications relate to biosensor integrated device interacting with radio signals for monitoring and rescuing patients.

Aggarwal, Abhinav (Chapel Hill, NC, US)

Application Number:735333 Filing Date:12/12/2003 Publication Date:03/29/2007

C12Q 1/68 20060101 C12Q001/68 Attorney, Agent or Firm DR. ABHINAV AGGARWAL 100 SAINT AYERS WAY CHAPEL HILL NC 27517 US Claims:1.

1.A system for unique human identification and associated method and steps to capture and store data and DNA samples related to issue of Universal Identification Number (UIN) and a subsequent retrieval process for human identification and tracking involving various applications viz. medical emergencies, public domain interest profile, and confidential data by authorized agencies.

2. The method in accordance with claim 1, wherein said UIN as unique human identifier comprises of an association date in Year (four numerals), Month (two numerals) and Date (two numerals) format (YYYYMMDD). The association date is followed by up to first three characters of first name of a person and lastly followed by a computer generated four alphanumeric digits or characters. The UIN is such that is easy to recall and does not reveal any personal information of a confidential nature about the UIN holder and protects their privacy.

3. The method in accordance with claim 2, wherein the association date in the said UIN (as unique human identifier) comprises of a date that shall normally be the issue date for UIN. If the UIN issue date and associated name characters and the computer-generated alphanumeric characters for the issue date are non-available, then the association date is picked from those available from one of the previous dates in a time-horizon window, as explained in the attachments appended to this application.

4. The method in accordance with claim 3, wherein the association date for issue of the said UIN (as unique human identifier) is a date that shall normally be the issue date of the UIN, but in case of a clash with first three characters of the first name of the person for whom the UIN is under issue and non-availability of a suitable computer generated four alphanumeric characters, shall be successively previous date, searched and matched for issue of the UIN from the time-horizon window. This date shall be matched a day at a time, and the first previous date, that is closest to the UIN issue date, shall be picked.

5. The method in accordance with claim 2, wherein the first three characters of the first name of a person are the first three characters of a given name. In cases of non-availability of the first three characters of the first name, for reasons like the first name being shorter than three characters, the remaining characters of the first name shall be filled up by a computer-generated alphabetical sequence.

6. The method in accordance with claim 2, wherein the first three characters of the first name of a person are the first three characters of a given name. In cases of non-availability of the first three characters of the first name, for reasons like if the first name is not given owing to cultural or religious traditions or any other reasons, all characters of the first name shall be filled up by a computer-generated alphabetical sequence.

7. The system in accordance with claim 2 wherein the said UIN comprises of a number representing a date and alphabetic characters representing name and alphanumeric characters representing a computer generated code. This arrangement is such that UIN comprises of, that stands in order for YYYY (Year), MM (Month), DD (Date), NNN (Name), CCCC (Computer-generated Code). YYYYMMDD represents collectively the association date, followed by NNN for first name and CCCC for computer-generated code.

8. In accordance with claim 1, the data that is collected and makes the basis for issue of the UIN shall be divided in 3 sections, namely Public, Health and Confidential.

9. In accordance with claim 8, the first section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the public domain and captures the fields of first, middle and last name, each one of these can be 40 characters in length. Name is followed by sex (male or female) and the desired contact address with contact telephone number and e-mail address. The data in public domain shall be accessible at all times to those who have the UIN followed by the public-domain access code. The public domain access-code is known to the UIN holder, who can pass it on to anyone with whom they desire to share this information. The public domain access would reveal no more information than what is normally available on a personal business card.

10. In accordance with claim 8, the second section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the medical domain. This data captures various fields like date of birth (in YYYYMMDD format), blood type (Group and RH in 2 or 3 character width as the case may be), immediate medical conditions that may require attention (within 100 characters), details of up to 3 most severe known allergies (each can take up to 40 characters), name and contact details of the current attending physician (Name, telephone, pager, address - within 100 characters width). Emergency contact person (relative or friend) with contact details and a back-up emergency contact, each one of these can be at-most 100 characters in length. The data under medical domain shall be accessible at all times on-line or by call only to authorized hospitals and registered medical practitioners who have the UIN followed by the medical-domain access code. This data is made available to authorized viewers along with the public domain access data. Thus, the authorized viewers of medical domain data get all the relevant contact and emergency information that they may need to perform immediate treatment.

11. In accordance with claim 8, the third section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the confidential domain. This data contains all the information about UIN holder that is of a confidential nature and captures the fields as Country of birth with state, county, address of birth place, time of birth, all detailed addresses where the UIN holder has lived over 5 years, details of educational qualifications with institutes attended. Also, fields like complete present address with telephone number, country of residence, country of citizenship and details of all identifications issued so far and all numbers issued (viz. ITIN, SSN # etc.) and details of all passports and visas ever carried or issued. This data is periodically updated and the UIN holder has to own the responsibility to submit data for verification and update to the UIN issuing authority. The data related to educational qualifications including details of all schools attended, degrees or diplomas obtained, years of graduation, and subject of major. Professional affiliations, with all places of work and positions held, name of supervisor and address of workplace with dates worked. Professional societies, religious bodies or charitable and voluntary organization memberships and affiliations, positions held with dates since affiliated and addresses of the organizations. Details of birth marks and identification marks. In addition, DNA Samples of the UIN holder shall be obtained (optionally), referenced with UIN and stored at a secure site in a protected environment.

12. In accordance with claim 11, the Personal Information under confidential domain is not disclosed to anyone who is not authorized to access this information. The authorized law-enforcement agencies would be able to access this information only by a combination of three keys. The three keys are - public information access code given by the UIN holder, the security access key (authorization code) known only to the law enforcement agencies that is periodically changed to maintain confidentiality, and a third access code key that is specifically issued to the law enforcement officer requesting the information. To get the third access code, the law enforcement personnel seeking information will need to identify themselves. In order to access the information, they need to have their own UIN available for identification and verification of their personal data to eliminate any attempts at fraud. Records of all confidential data sought would be maintained for a specific period.

13. In accordance with claim 1, the UIN holder shall be issued a UIN card that carries UIN number, name of the UIN holder, picture of the UIN holder, and a thumb impression for unique identification. Additional information that is vital for life saving purposes is printed on inside of the card and not visible from the outside. The UIN card is a folded card with four visible surfaces that can hold data and information about the UIN holder. While two of the surfaces are covered in the inside fold, the two outer surfaces form the front and back of card.

14. In accordance with claim 1, the UIN shall, work as part of an integrated scheme and system that aims at eliminating terrorism, protecting identity, prevent frauds and is an attempt towards making this world a better place to be by Global Integration. UIN shall be subsequently supplemented by a tracking device that operates through satellite and radio signals, and the integrated system would become HITS (Human Identification and Tracking System).

15. In accordance with claim 1, a DNA sample shall be obtained from the UIN applicant and stored securely by the UIN issuing and identity protection agency in a secure environment. This DNA sample shall be released only in the case of the need to do so, upon appropriate request by a court of law under its authority and jurisdiction, in specific country that may normally be the residence nation of UIN holder, to settle matters related to identity fraud or eradication of terrorism. The DNA sample is referenced to the UIN. Description:


[0001] Field of the Invention: Human Identification.

[0002] Present invention relates to a system and method for uniquely identifying biological humans.


[0003] Currently available systems don't specifically address the issues of a globally available identification mechanism that covers each and every individual on the planet.

[0004] Unique Identification of biological humans is of critical importance. At the same time, data related to the biological human that uniquely identifies, is of a critical nature and must be available upon requirement in the emergency situations to save human life. For example, a particular patient's blood type shall reveal an important data that can be crucial to saving time for an immediate medical treatment. Also, prior knowledge about allergies can prevent a wrong drug from being administered. In addition, complete confidential data that can be of vital importance for law enforcement agencies must be available at all times for verification and prevention of identity frauds.

[0005] At present, there is no system and method that uniquely identifies a human being on a global basis. Several national initiatives in this regard hold data about individuals in an isolated and disjointed manner.

There may or may not be a cross-reference between several identities that a human being may hold. For instance, a Social Security Card may not reference to a driving license number. Also, data pertaining to several numbering schemes can be tapped and used by the fraudulent persons for financial frauds or criminal purposes. If someone is collecting data about a particular person even from the discarded mail, it can be possible for them to figure out a lot of personal information that is of a confidential nature. Subsequently, this information can be used with the intent of fraud. The UIN system is specifically designed to address these issues and prevent attempts at fraud.
[0006] A major problem with all the existing identification systems is that they are not global in nature, but specific only to the organization which develops and implements that particular arrangement or scheme. A particular country may use one identification scheme and an adjoining country may use a completely incompatible scheme. As a result, even though the scheme may properly identify the human within the territory of a specific nation, it may provide no usable identification when the human crosses the boundaries and visits another country. With the globalization taking place at a faster pace and the likely merging of nations, like European Union, UIN addresses the need for a technology based global human identification and tracking system.

[0007] Another significant problem with the prior art schemes is that they do not ensure confidentiality and privacy of data about the individual concerned. For example, if a person's social security number is used as the identifier for medical insurance coverage and the medical insurance policy number becomes the SSN suffixed by a zero or some other digit, all correspondence from the medical insurance company for that person will use the same identifier. As a result, the confidential data about the person is prone to be exposed and misused.

[0008] The prior art identifying arrangements and schemes may also permit tampering. For example, a person may provide the forged documents or a wrong social security number or name, while visiting another country (if they are merely seeking it for sake of record keeping). Since there is no existing arrangement of sharing data across the nations, this potential of allowance for error can result in duplicity with other identity belonging to another person having that true number or name or document.

[0009] There is no existing arrangement with any prior art identification scheme to uniquely identify a human being on a global basis, protect the privacy with an optional provision of preserving a DNA sample. Thus, UIN is a unique system and method that overcomes these shortcomings of prior art schemes.

[0010] A system and method for identifying biological humans, that overcomes the above-stated problems and yet retains the confidentiality, is not just desired but essentially required to prevent child abduction, save lives, eliminate identity frauds and eradicate terrorism from the soil of this planet.


[0011] The present invention is a system and method for uniquely identifying and tracking biological humans, whereby each human being is associated with a universally unique identifier, the UIN (Universal Identification Number). The information associated about the individual that can be referenced with the UIN would be available upon request to authorized medical and law enforcement agencies to deal with emergency situations, saving life of the UIN holder.

[0012] Various levels of access to information that can be made available shall fall under three different domains: public, health and confidential.

[0013] At each level of access, a different authorization code is required. The authorized medical or law enforcement agency must have access to this code, to get the relevant information about the UIN holder.

[0014] The UIN card, that is issued to the UIN holder, shall contain limited information about the contact details of the individual human being and the emergency medical data. The UIN card would not contain any information that is of a confidential nature. This is to protect privacy of the individual, in case the card is lost by them and falls into the wrong hands.

[0015] The information in public and medical domains shall be stored on-line (the computer database) and made available by calling the UIN providing agency or obtained on-line upon submitting the required access and authorization codes.

[0016] Further features and advantages of the present invention over the prior art will become evident from the detailed description of the invention which follows, when considered with the attached Calculations and Algorithm details.


[0017] Attachment 1 details the Worksheet for calculation of Computer Generated Code Length.

[0018] Attachment 2 details the Algorithm and pseudo-code for issue of the UIN Association date.

[0019] Many advantages are realized using this system and method. The invention provides a system and method for uniquely identifying all the human beings on this planet and the scheme can be universally implemented.

[b]Implementation of the method does not require the development of a specific coding scheme by a particular end user, since the unique identifier (UIN) is issued globally by a central coordinating agency.[/b] To utilize the system and method of the invention, the end user need not obtain UIN from this coordinating agency, but through the service provider network. The end user needs to only obtain the necessary UIN Card and have access to appropriate information as and when required.

The end-user can also request to update or modify the information associated with the UIN in the relevant database, by providing necessary inputs and supporting documents for verification. Identity theft is the largest growing crime in America, affecting 900,000 new victims each year. (Source: "Ready or not, here it comes: Identity take-over fraud has come into its own, and promises not to go away until significant changes evolve in the manner and methods by which personal identities are collected and used. Consumers would do well to arm themselves with knowledge on how to mend the damages when victimized," says James E. Bauer, Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Investigations, US Secret Service, Washington D.C.

[0020] Further, the identifier (UIN) associated with each individual human being can be used to not only to identify the particular individual, but also to provide other information, such as the medical and confidential data to relevant authorized medical and law-enforcement agencies.

[0021] Preventing terrorism and tracing the missing people In a post-September 11 '2001 world, there is an urgent need to uniquely identify and track each and every single individual human on the planet. If we have such a system in place, tracking individuals on a global basis is possible, cutting across boundaries of the nations. Preventing terrorism and identity frauds is a responsibility for each and every nation of the world, as much as it is for each one of us. Providing a system and method that makes a paradigm shift in the ways we operate and function globally as a society is a crying need of the hour. We learn of identity frauds that lead to embezzlements worth a fortune.

Your mailbox delivers images of several lost kids. Even if you had an identity kit, that would not help much beyond providing a picture of the missing child. The stage has come when we need to make an effective use of technology to protect the lives of our children and their fortunes besides ours. A missing child can be traced when anyone reports the sight and description and data can be matched with UIN database. Furthermore, UIN controlling agency can periodically issue alerts related to all missing UIN holders, seeking the cooperation of a global fraternity as human community to assist in tracing. In the futuristic plan, those opting for a tracking service can be equipped with a device that can be issued to the UIN holder and they can be tracked within a fair range of accuracy by use of satellite and radio based navigation system.

[0022] Identity Insurance

[0023] Imagine a situation when your intended heir is traveling abroad and someone who has the relevant information about you and the family poses as your heir to amass wealth by fraud. Life insurance claims can get into wrong hands. Those who truly deserve what was actually theirs would not get it. They may not have the knowledge or resource to waste a lifetime in legal proceedings and fighting court cases. The only right way to rid yourself of such potential nightmares in your life and of those who you leave behind is UIN. It is the technology answer to some of the major problems of humanity. UIN acts like Identity Insurance.

[0024] Preventing Petty Identity Frauds like Credit Card Theft
[0025] UIN card holders shall have the potential to get protection against petty thefts when Credit Card companies would be encouraged to perform a verification check of the public domain UIN data of the individual concerned. Since a fraudulent person would not be able to modify the UIN related data, they would get caught. The UIN related data is modified only on verification of a written request and appropriate documents from the UIN holder.

[0026] It is like getting the junk food out of the sight of a kid. Our current systems are not designed to handle security. Once new systems based on UIN technology are designed and put in place, it would become increasingly difficult for any one to breach the security.

[0027] In the long term plan, UIN Card is also likely to be used as an optional credit card linkage device. It would allow the invocation of a desired credit card by the UIN holder, while simultaneously authenticating the transaction.

[0028]Protecting the Environment

[0029] Technology can go a long way to help all of us to protect the environment, create peace and integrate the globe. Imagine that someone has to apply for a visa for a foreign travel. They called the embassy and gave them the UIN Number and access code. If the embassy has an authorization code to get the relevant and authentic data, the visa can be issued even electronically. All the person hours wasted in traveling and the gasoline burnt that pollutes the environment can be saved. It is just a paradigm shift in the way the world works as of today to the ways in which the world would work as of tomorrow. Even the need for a physical embassy building in that country can be eliminated if all business can be transacted electronically. UIN simply helps with a way to achieve that. With an appropriate use of UIN technology and innovative thinking, the possibilities to protect the environment are endless.

[0030] Creation of Peace and Global Integration

[0031] UIN shall become a global vehicle to connect people and governments internationally. Just like what Internet did several years ago. This endeavor is towards creating peace, eradicate terrorism, prevent frauds, save lives and integrate the globe. It is eventually an implementation of step by step technology efforts like this that would bring peace to the world and improve the quality of life.

[0032] Futuristic and Unknown Benefits

[0033] As of today, it is just the limit of our imagination that guides our perception of the anticipated advantages. Once we get the UIN technology in place, the humanity would be able to extend the cognitive boundaries of our imagination and that would enable the shifting of paradigms. The shift in attitudes from currently fighting for survival to a futuristic collaboration for growth is the turning point in human history that would be marked by UIN. The turning of tables upside down from currently competing to futuristic cooperating and creating. It is ultimately the shift in attitudes, practices, cultures and an unleashing of the hidden creative potential of a global community of humanity that would truly bring out the real benefits of UIN.

Attachment 1: Worksheet for Calculation of Computer Generated Code Length
Existing population of the world that needs to be issued UIN=approx. 7 billion

Existing human birth rate of the world=6.5 births per second

Human births in the world (highest rate data, with margins)=10 per second

[0034] Human births in the world (highest rate data, with margins)=10.times.60 per minute Human births in the world (highest rate data, with margins)=10.times.60.times.60 per hour Human .times. .times. births .times. .times. in .times. .times. the .times. .times. world .times. ( highest .times. .times. rate .times. .times. data , with .times. .times. margins ) = 10 .times. 60 .times. 60 .times. 24 .times. .times. per .times. .times. day = 864000 .times. .times. births .times. .times. per .times. .times. day Assuming that every person on the planet was given the same first name (say AAA), And considering that we use A to Z and 2 to 9 (excluding 0 and 1 to avoid confusion with 0 and 1) that totals to 26+7=34 alphanumeric characters such that each C (Computer generated Alphanumeric Code) holds the 34 possible options. CC=34.times.34=1156 CCC=34.times.34.times.34=11256.times.34=39304 CCCC=34.times.34.times.34.times.34=39304.times.34= 1336336 Since 1336336 exceeds 864000, an alphanumeric length of 4 characters (CCCC) is sufficient to cover all human births in the world, even if everyone was given the same first name, on any particular day. If this particular day is the UIN issue date, that date would be used as the association date. To cover the existing 7 billion population of the world, if a particular first name can't be associated with any computer-generated code within the CCCC length limit, the immediately preceding date shall be used as the association date. See the algorithm and pseudo-code sheets for `Association date Algorithm.` Attachment 2: Algorithm for UIN Association Date UIN Issue: pseudo-code for Association Date Algorithm Example Case: Issue of UIN for a person named Joe on 2002-11-06. 1. Pick current date YYYYMMDD as A (Association date). 2. Suffix YYYYMMDD (A) with NNN (JOE) such that YYYYMMDDNNN is now B 3. Suffix B with CCCC (Computer-generated Code). 4. The whole field is YYYYMMDDNNNCCCC. This is UIN_Temp. 5. If CCCC is PN2R, UIN_Temp is 20021106JOEPN2R. 6. Check if UIN_Temp is already in UIN_Issue list 7. If no, Issue UIN_Temp as UIN_Issue to Joe and add UIN_Temp (20021106JOEPN2R in this case) to UIN_Issue list 8. If yes, check for availability of another CCCC combination for B and make it UIN_Temp. 9. Go to 6. Keep repeating the loop of steps 6 through 8 till all possible combinations of CCCC are exhausted. 10. If there is no CCCC match available for Joe for current date YYYYMMDD (20021106 in this case), decrement current date by 1, such that new Association date (A) is now previous (last used) association date--1 (200021105 in this case). 11. Go to step 2. Keep repeating the loop of steps 2 through 10, till a valid UIN is found to break away from the loop at step 8 and becomes UIN_Issue for Joe.