Revelation 13:18 NASB

Revelation 13:18 NASB

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Unique Id for the World

by Christine Hobson

In recent months we've read in  newspapers about the "Change" coming to the Medical Insurance Industry, only to be spoon fed by the MSM (Main Stream Media) regarding the Healthcare Bill. Leaving us  muddling through what was  first purposed,  passing just this past week. It has many left wondering just what exactly is involved for the citizens of the United States and how this could directly effect their day to day life. After all, the Obama Administration has the people's best interest and freedoms at the fore front, correct? Nah....

Socialized Medicine has always gone hand in hand with a facists governement to unsurp the publics ability to think and make decisions for oneself and family.

Last year speculation surfaced surrounding page (1004) and the possibly of the Health Card actually becoming a National ID. There is talk of using a implant such as PositiveID that has a UIN,  a 16-Digit Unique Identification Number stored on it to implant into a person. This will link, Your Health Records, Credit History, Social Security, as well as applying Biometric technology to serve as a 'Key" to access a persons Medical Records. This number is assigned by collecting various forms of biometrics depending on the standard set by the agency requiring the information. It is from the fingerprint, iris, or vein scan that your UIN is determined, applying a geometric algorithm that takes a measurement of said feature to assign this number. This number is unique to you alone from cradle to grave. You will no longer be known by a name, but a number.

The Obama Health care bill under Class II
(Paragraph 1, Section B) specifically includes

‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.” Then on page 1004 it describes what the term “data” means in paragraph 1, section B:

14 ‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to in15

formation respecting a device described in paragraph (1),

16 including claims data, patient survey data, standardized

17 analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of

18 data from disparate data environments, electronic health

19 records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the

20 Secretary”

What exactly is a class II device that is implantable?

Lets see…in page 1004 of the bill.

Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is a “implantable radio-frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.”

The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as “claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.”

Future UIN applications relate to biosensor integrated device interacting with radio signals for monitoring and rescuing patients.

UIN shall be subsequently supplemented by a tracking device that operates through satellite and radio signals, and the integrated system would become HITS (Human Identification and Tracking System).

President Barack Obama wants every citizen to have electronic medical records. One of the challenges in health care though is making sure the correct record is linked to the right patient and that the information is secure.

Palm Id Identify is distinctive because of the cutting edge technology used to identify patients on arrival and its ease of use. Similar to fingerprints, each person has a unique vein pattern in the palm of their hand. Even identical twins will have a different palm vein patterns. Palm Identify makes use of Fujitsu's palm scanners to capture this unique pattern and assigns this identifier to the patient's medical record during the initial visit to the hospital. Patients are then quickly scanned on all reoccurring visits which validates the patient and their medical record.

A California hospital says it has started identifying new patients using a biometric registration system that scans their palms.

Officials at El Camino Hospital in Mountain View, Calif., said the biometric registration system "reads" patients' identities by scanning their palms' vein structures.

The system uses a near infrared light to capture a patient's palm vein pattern, generating a unique biometric template that is matched against a database of enrolled users' palm vein patterns.

It is the U.S.'s Government policy expected to drive biometric growth in healthcare, though not alone in this venture in recent months we've heard that in Australia E-health has numbers in new ID scheme .

Every Australian is to be issued with a new 16-digit identification number as part of the move towards a national e-health system.

Minister for Health, Nicola Roxon said the move would create an integrated and consistent e-health system, giving confidence to consumers and providers. Australians are set to get a health ID number, laying the groundwork for a national electronic health records system.

Introduced by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's Labor government February 10, the legislation calls for all Australian residents to receive a special 16-digit code, called an Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI). this is not the only move by kevin Rudd to assure the collection of information from it's public. Unisys has been tapped for Australian biometric driver license to be issued. Sound familair? Unisys Corporation, developer of various biometric technologies and solutions, has announced that it has been chosen by Australia’s Queensland Transport to provide facial recognition services for their new digital driver licenses.

This is really nothing new. Infact the French for example, introduced their first smart card technology for health care called “carte vitale” back in 1998. The card contains every medical transaction of the patient, a record that is accessible by any physician or hospital seeing that patient.

The recent drive to collect one medical records and assilimilate into one data base is the driving force behind this collection. Susposidely to "Streamline the process for those being seen in hospitals and clinics" To give these facilities more freedom during and emergency allowing them to move more quickly and efficiently. Companies such as PatientKeeper and NextGate have formed a Partnership for Health Information Exchange, PatientKeeper®, Inc., the leading provider of Physician Information Technology, is working with NextGate to help healthcare organizations combine data from disparate systems to create a unified and complete record for each patient in their care.

It would certainly be more convenient to just walk in a hospital and give a thumbprint and get seen then muddling through a bunch of paperwork now wouldn't it?

VeriMed Health Link a subsidery of PositiveID is in front for allowing ER doctors and nurses immediate access to your personal health record and emergency contact information during an emergency. These records would be stored on a webpage for every citizen a long with public and confidential information. Your personal medical and emergency contact information is easily updated through Health Link’s secure, online database. About the size of a grain of rice, the microchip is inserted just under the skin and contains only a unique, 16-digit identifier. The microchip itself does not contain any other data other than this unique electronic ID, nor does it contain any Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking capabilities. And unlike conventional forms of identification, the Health Link cannot be lost, stolen, misplaced, or counterfeited. It is safe, secure, reversible, and always with you.

This is essentially a UIN/UID database which is accessible to to law enforcement, medial and governemt agencies, when authorized under specific circumstances.The UIN shall, work as part of an integrated scheme and system that aims at eliminating terrorism, protecting identity, prevent frauds and is an attempt towards making this world a better place to be by Global Integration. This U.S. does not stand alone in it's attempt to identify every citizen. Almost all countries in the world are currently under going a transformation on the collection and assimilation of information of persons under many mechanisms and schemes.

The first section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the public domain .

The data in public domain shall be accessible at all times to those who have the UIN followed by the public-domain access code.

The public domain access would reveal no more information than what is normally available on a personal business card.

The second section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the medical domain.The data under medical domain shall be accessible at all times on-line or by call only to authorized hospitals and registered medical practitioners who have the UIN followed by the medical-domain access code.

The third section of data collected refers to Personal Information under the confidential domain. This data contains all the information about UIN holderthat is of a confidential nature and captures the fields as Country of birth with state, county, address of birth place, time of birth, all detailed addresses where the UIN holder has lived over 5 years, details of educational qualifications with institutes attended. Also, fields like complete present address with telephone number, country of residence, country of citizenship and details of all identifications issued so far and all numbers issued (viz. ITIN, SSN # etc.) and details of all passports and visas ever carried or issued. This data is periodically updated and the UIN holder has to own the responsibility to submit data for verification and update to the UIN issuing authority. The data related to educational qualifications including details of all schools attended, degrees or diplomas obtained, years of graduation, and subject of major. Professional affiliations, with all places of work and positions held, name of supervisor and address of workplace with dates worked. Professional societies, religious bodies or charitable and voluntary organization memberships and affiliations, positions held with dates since affiliated and addresses of the organizations. Details of birth marks and identification marks. In addition, DNA Samples of the UIN holder shall be obtained (optionally), referenced with UIN and stored at a secure site in a protected environment.

The Personal Information under confidential domain is not disclosed to anyone who is not authorized to access this information. The authorized law-enforcement agencies would be able to access this information only by a combination of three keys. The three keys are - public information access code given by the UIN holder, the security access key (authorization code) known only to the law enforcement agencies that is periodically changed to maintain confidentiality, and a third access code key that is specifically issued to the law enforcement officer requesting the information. To get the third access code, the law enforcement personnel seeking information will need to identify themselves.

The UIN holder shall be issued a UIN card that carries UIN number, name of the UIN holder, picture of the UIN holder, and a thumb impression for unique identification.

The cards themselves will be issued in various forms such as a Healthcare Card, National Workers ID, TWIC card, Driver's License, even a new Social Security card.

Pretty soon a person will not be able to receive healthcare, work, travel, bank or identify themselves without leaving a unique idenifier behind.

-Christine Hobson

1 comment:

DTTO News said...

Possibility of electronic health records linked to the unique ID project make medical portals attractive to investors
Mumbai: The nascent healthcare portals industry is up for a funding boost, given its attractiveness for private equity, or PE, and venture capital, or VC, investors, as well as the Unique Identification Number, or UID, project that will collate digital data on the nation’s population.

“The holy grail in this space would be personal medical records,” says Alok Mittal, managing director at VC firm Canaan Advisors Pvt. Ltd, referring to the automation of hospital records, a possibility through the UID project.