Revelation 13:18 NASB

Revelation 13:18 NASB

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cairo Amman Bank launches promotional campaign for Iris recognition Technology

Cairo Amman Bank recently launched a promotional campaign under the heading of 'Your Eye Print, Rewarded,' organized in cooperation with leading biometric security manufacturer IrisGuard Inc. The campaign seeks to promote ocular security scan technology, which Cairo Amman Bank was the first in the world to implement in 2008, and which is now offered in more than 80 branches and 215 ATM machines.

The campaign encourages customers to utilize the Iris recognition service regularly to enter the monthly draw on 20 monetary prizes. Hundreds of thousands of transactions have thus far been completed through IrisGuard, servicing more than 30,000 of the bank's customers. The bank also launched an internal support campaign urging employees to bolster customer awareness on the Iris recognition technology and the benefits they can derive by using it.

The 'Your Eye Print, Rewarded' campaign underscores the uniqueness of the Iris recognition service offered by the bank to its clients, which streamlines the identity verification process by saving customers the hassle of having to produce identification, carry ATM cards and memorize PIN codes. The service is currently implemented at both the bank's teller booths and ATM machines, thus revolutionizing identity verification at each customer touch point.

In addition to saving time and effort, the Iris recognition adds another layer of security to the identity verification process at a time when global fraud rates are proliferating. The system prevents cases of fraud or unauthorized access to accounts as an individual's iris is a unique marker and cannot be replicated or lost.

Cairo Amman Bank has pioneered the implementation of Iris recognition in the global banking landscape. Following its positive experience with the service, several banks in Lebanon, Jordan and Yemen have begun offering the service to its clients.


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