Revelation 13:18 NASB

Revelation 13:18 NASB

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The "Gang of 8" are the main proponents of biometric IDs in the U.S. Senate. They are working to advance the technology of the beast.  J

"Details of the “Gang of 8”-negotiated immigration reform measure were released late Monday. The group planned a big press conference to discuss the details of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 — until the Boston bombing forced the Senators to change plans.

(Two of the main initiatives of this bill are)

  • Heavy border enforcement measures to the tune of 3,500 new border agents, and an up to $7 billion investment in surveillance drones, fencing, and more.
  • The introduction of a biometric data into the immigration process: “employers would be required to certify that noncitizen workers presented a ‘biometric green card’ that matches a photo stored in an e-verify system.”..."

Biometric identifications systems are becoming very popular with government and business leaders. More information on this burgeoning ID industry can be found at: