Revelation 13:18 NASB

Revelation 13:18 NASB

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Observations of Our Times

by Jennifer S.
DTTO/ PChat Team
History merely repeats itself. It has all be done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new. -Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NLT)

Don't long for "the good old days", for you don't know whether they were any better than today. - Ecclesiastes 7:10 (NLT)

How do you tell someone about the upcoming Universal Identification scheme?

What do you say to people of the faith?

What do you say when people wave it away with "That isn't the mark, the rapture will take us away before that's here!" or if they say that they can get out of this scheme
(chipping) if it is against their faith to have a tattoo or an implantable chip? Or, "The number of the mark is 666!"

How do you introduce it into conversation with unbelievers?
What do you say if they do not care?
What if the person you talk to says "It's not here, it's in that country, not mine", then what do you say?

I have had this running through my head for many months now, though not really as formed as these questions and I wonder how I am to tell my husband about this so we ensure we're not trapped by it or tricked into getting it for our children. People say that we as believers in Messiah will not find this in our time, that it will happen after the rapture, or that we won't be deceived, but even in the scriptures it was said that the antichrists and false prophets would seek to deceive if they may, even the elect. (Matthew 24:24)

I am a mom, I don't talk much to other adults as I am concerned with keeping up my studies in Scripture, the news, my work, and my kids. IF I get to talk to other individuals, I don't know how to bring up the conversation. My inlaws don't know what to think of all this, and my husband thinks I've gone off the deep end. My friends who are on the same wave-length, aren't even in the same country OR time zone. We're all in the same situation.

Our husbands think that we're not exactly on track, a little paranoid or that we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Irregardless of whether they were raised in the church
and have a good understanding of the end times events, or if they are new believers but not in church.

Most of our families just aren't into news, or think we're already a little cuckoo - so we look for ways to make them aware without risking committal into an institution. It's not an easy road.

G-d has shown all of us that we have the job of Watchmen. We are put in a position of knowledge, and information gathering that most people just aren't aware is out there. According to Ezekiel 33, if the watchman doesn't sound alarm when he sees danger coming, the blood of the people are required of him. However, if he sounds alarm and the people pay him no heed, their blood is on their heads.

There is so much prophecy happening all at once, it gets overwhelming from time to time. We all have to step back and breathe and regroup, as you can get so inundated with the information. One such prophecy we find happening very quickly is that of Jeremiah 16:16, which says "But now I am sending for many fishermen who will catch them, says the Lord. I am sending for hunters who will hunt them down in the mountains, hills, and caves." - which is eerily called to rememberance in the words of Y'shua , "Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!" And those hunters, if you were wondering - they are the sons of Ishmael and Edom. (see more here) There is much I can go into about that, but this is not the time.

For believers, I would like to remind them of Revelation 13 and 14, The Creation story of this earth and mankind, and the fact that G-d has already given us all that we need to bind Him and His Word to our forehead, to our hand, the corners of our garments, our mouth, our hearts and our doorposts (Exodus 13, Deuteronomy 6, 11 and 30).

On the 6th day G-d made mankind. The number of mankind is 6. We are told in Revelation that the mark - depending on our text of the bible - is six hundred, sixty and six - or six hundred and sixteen.

Irregardless, both sets of numbers are very deep Biblically speaking. Bible numerics, or Gematria is a valid form of Scriptural interpretation since the times of Moses. There are many things hidden in Scripture that point to the validity of Bible numerics, such as the catch of 153 fish in the nets of the disciples, which points directly to the Scripture in Jeremiah 16:16-17. The Scripture in Jeremiah says "and there you will be called Sons of the Living G-d!" The value of that phrase is 153.

In the words of King Solomon "It is the glory of the L-rd to conceal a thing: but the honor of the king is to search out a matter." or "A wise man will hear and will increase learning.... to understand a proverb and the interpretation... The far of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge.." (Proverbs 1:3-7)

For those who say that this will not happen before the coming of the Messiah, I would like to remind you of what happened prior to World War Two in what became Nazi Germany. The Jews heard the report in nearby countries and rationalized that perhaps the propaganda was true and the people were being deported or sent on holiday.. and that the horrors they heard would not come to the far reaches of Poland or the country they lived in. That their neighbors would not turn on them and turn them out into the streets, sent to a
Concentration Camp or Work Camp, or shot in the street and dumped in a mass grave. Those are the stuff of bad dreams.

I would have to remind you it can, it did and it will happen again. Just this week is remembrance of Kristallnacht (Nov 8-10) - and I am sure if he were alive to this day, Pastor Martin Niemöller would remind us of his poem:

First they came for the communists and I did not speak up, because I was not a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak up be cause I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I did not speak up because I was Protestant. Then they came for me, and no one was left to speak up.

The NSDAP did not come to power with their views of Anti-Semitism at the front. The main goals were much like the goals today - secure the economy, health care and jobs for all, secure the borders and get everyone a national ID card... and history repeats itself.

Here we are in 2010, some 60 years after Israel became a nation again, and we are repeating the very history that we said "Never Again!" to, all in the guise of laws that have
come into effect after 9/11. (Peace and Safety anyone?) In fact, that is how I would like to introduce this concept to everyone.
There is so much we could talk about on this subject, but I will try my best to make this into a "Reader's Digest Version" for you so that you have the tools to equip yourself and go out there and find the information at your fingertips.

Keep in mind that Man was created on the sixth day. It takes six protons, six neutrons and six atoms to equal carbon.

In the Greek text of Revelation 13:18, the number 666 is represented with a value based upon gematria. It is simply written with three Greek letters, the Chi = 600, the XI = 60, and the no longer used Stigma = 6. This is important. Pay attention:

"And that no man might buy or sell, except he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE AND SIX."

We are told in verse 18 that the one who understands is to calculate the number of the beast". The Greek word used here "psephizo" means to 'calculate' or to 'formulate'. The word means very much the same in Hebrew. The word is "tzor", and means to 'compress from all directions', to 'form', or to 'shape'.

Now, if this doesn't make you think about an algorithm, I'm not sure what will. The meaning behind the letters that comprise the number of six hundred, sixty and six mean:

Total sum of the world providing a continuum of knowledge (through) devotion, support(ing) the framework for trust with authority and stability; yoking together the 6th day (or mankind)

Some manuscripts read that the number we are told, is six hundred and sixteen. (see here) The meaning behind that number is as follows:

Total sum of the world providing a continuum of knowledge (through) devotion, receiving ownership (by the) manifested power of man yoked together.

Now, bear with me, this does tie to the Unique Identification number. The Unique Identification Number is assigned by an algorithm, or calculation of one's unique information. No one else can, or will have your 16 digit number. There is even talk of IBM having a new DNA marker soon that may play into this at a future date.

To bring this home, I should remind you that in the 9/11 Commission Act, there was legislation passed called "The Real ID Act of 2005", which was later repealed and reissued as "The Pass ID Act" of 2009.

As of April 2008, all 50 states have either applied for extentions to the compliance date, or have issued resolutions or binding legislation that will effectively stop the Real ID Act in it's tracks. The newer Pass ID Act changes only a little bit of wording of the original act, and repeals or eliminates some of the more burdensome technological changes that would need to be made to the state identification or drivers license cards.

We are just coming off of the US national census which tabulates how many individuals we have living in the country, and also to help along the new National Healthcare that got pushed through both Houses of the Government and onto our President's desk in record time. In the meantime, we have a massive (and unheard of) census that is occurring in India, Australia and Mexico. In India and Mexico, particularly; millions of people are lining up to get their national identity card, complete with a unique, biometric, 16 digit identification number. Germany is rolling out their new National ID card; the "E-Perso".

The following details that would be captured for the Unique ID - from individuals:

– Name
– UID Number
– Photograph
– Right Hand Forefinger Print
– Name of Father
– UID of Father
– Name of Mother
– UID of Mother
– Date of Birth
– Sex
– Place of Birth
– Address

Of the parameters mentioned above, the only parameter that cannot be duplicated is the biometric one. The only way that can be broken is if the database is hacked and the fingerprint is replaced. Ironically, the photograph is also biometric (like what is required for our US passports).

Now, if this doesn't jog your memory, I'm not sure what will. IBM, Cisco Systems, Microsoft, Intel, Verisign, Google, Yahoo, and many other Fortune 500 companies are involved in the Indian Census.

Did I have your ear when I said IBM and Cisco Systems? If not, I should have. Both companies were greatly involved in the census of Nazi Germany, and the Hollerith tabulating machine made this an easy job. Most everyone already had their information in the Church and city records, so getting the additional information in the census and tabulating everything was simple.

Here we are some many years after the first major census of a similar kind, and we are finding that a push is being made that once the cards have been issued, there will be a time frame given until there is a push that either one will need implantable devices or something along the lines of InkSure or SoMark for their identification. The reasoning behind this in India, is that the information can easily be "skimmed" off of the cards, or they can be hacked (to a degree). However, in the Western nations where this is being trialled under different schemes, the push is identity theft. A thief supposedly cannot "skim" information if it is implanted or tattooed on your person.

We are currently watching India, and now Mexico; as it is the trial market for the National ID scheme, and we are quickly finding that Australia is the trial market for the medical version of this scheme.

Germany is pushing out as of November 1st, their new Personal Identity cards, which include a biometric photograph and a fingerprint from the individual who owns the card - which is optional during this trial period, but expected to be required in some time. In addition to this card, is an RFID chip which will allow for the user to have "more secure" online payments, and link their card to their bank account; possibly later replacing their banking/cheque card. Rolling out on the back of this is a company called Vingado from Spain, opening the options of "fingerprint" payment. The only thing each store needs is the new software and a fingerprint reader. The new German "E-perso" also requires a new card reader, with the possibility of also using the new fingerprint reader in your online banking, shopping and municipal/government paperwork.

Deutsche Post (The German version of the USPS) is rolling out this year a "Secure email address" in which you can link your account to do the above mentioned municipal or government paperwork. It simply requires you fill out some paperwork, give your "E-perso", Online username(s), create your email address you wish linked and you can do everything you would have in person - Online. This program has already been rolled out in Belgium and a couple other EU countries.

Russia, Spain and a couple other European or former USSR countries are rolling out, or have rolled out metro train and international train pass payment or verification by fingerprint, instead of metro cards. Surveillance of the train stations and those RFID cards and fingerprint scans were what identified the female Chechen bombers in Moscow a few months ago, before the medical examiners and investigators had time to examine the bodies and detonation devices.

Novartis AG is rolling out an RFID chip enhanced medicine that is awaiting approval by the FDA in the United States, that will report back to the hospital/house doctor whether or not an individual has faithfully been taking their prescribed medication. (see here)

President Obama and his wife Michelle have recently completed a trip to India, in which they solidified many business deals; including support for and a strong push towards completing the Indian UID project. (see here)

More and more national and international schools are tracking students via RFID cards, chipped backpacks, or fingerprint entry/exit. They are also tracking who picks them up. One school in Pennsylvania was tracking students via their laptops, as are many schools in Great Britain.

Citizens in Great Britain are protesting the ID scheme there, which has taken a seemingly backseat to other projects for this time.

More and more cellphones and cellphone companies are working towards contactless payment and purchases via fingerprint. Simply scan the bar code of the item you want, and pay via your linked bank account with your fingerprint.

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