Revelation 13:18 NASB

Revelation 13:18 NASB

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The story about SOMARK Constitutional Alliance

I am Mark Lerner. I am the Co-Founder of the Constitutional Alliance. The Allance is an organization comprised of state lawmakers, national and state groups as well as private citizens.

We first wrote about SOMARK over 3 years ago. The issue is much more broader than the article conveys. We would ask all citizens to visit to learn about the Real ID Act 2005, PASS ID Act, biometrics and global information sharing.

If people visit the web-site they can download "Your Body is Your ID" and fully appeciate the threat we face by an out of control government. The Alliance has had legislation passed in states opposing the Real ID Act and much more.

2) Why is L-1 significant?

2 a) L-1 is the largest biometric company in the United States and arguably the world. L-1 provides nearly 95% all state driver's licenses. It is involved in the production of all passports and passport cards. It is a global company that has had or does have the former Directors of the CIA, FBI, TSA and others on it's Board of Directors. L-1 also has an intelligence division that has contracts with nearly every intelligence agency of the federal government. In addition to losing a contract for misleading the client and being accused by the SEC for insiders selling stock in advance of adverse financial news (settled suit) L-1, under it's previous name Viisage Technology overstated the capability of it's biometric technology many documented times. There is an attachment to this email which provides what this company believes a "Real ID" compliant driver's license would look like. (the license includes your race and political party). One last point about L-1 Identity Solutions. The company has contracts all over the world and some of those contracts are for National ID cards. It is important that we are each aware that there is a reason for international standards. That reason is international standards are needed to best facilitate global information sharing. Your information, my information being shared like a commodity. DHS is on record stating they believe it would not be right to not share our information and further that DHS gets to decide when DHS does not have adhere to our federal privacy laws.

3) Why should a citizen care that L-1 is a global company and what does it mean to individuals.

3a) Through the Real ID Act 2005 and the PASS ID Act every citizen of the United States would be enrolled into an international biometric system of identification that would link said identification to all aspects of financial control. (read attachment-Your Body is Your ID-not our latest version but it is in PDF)) Standards for state driver's licenses that some mistakenly believe are federal, sometimes referred to a "National ID" in fact come from two international organizations (AAMVA and the ICAO, an agency of the United Nations). If you are new to all this then read page 8, footnote 17 of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Real ID Act 2005. L-1 also provided their facial recognition technology knowing that technology was going to be tested by the Red Chinese government. Naturally the Chinese wanted to use the technology to identify dissidents. Think about this-the surveillance cameras on your street corners are pointed at you. It does not matter if you are in your hometown or Paris, France. You can be identified through the use of facial recognition technology, a biometric and CCTV technology (surveillance cameras. You may believe this is Orwellian. This is nothing new and has been going on for sometime. Viisage Technology, now called L-1 Identity Solutions used facial recognition technology to capture the digital facial images of people who entered the Super Bowl in 2001, before the attacks on 9/11. The company claimed huge success in assisting law enforcement to capture people who were wanted by law enforcement. The article in this link describes the failure of the technology This technology has been used many times since. We should all face the fact we live in a surveillance society. Government does spy on our emails, phone calls and monitor our financial transactions. A free society and a surveillance society cannot coexist. Are we no better than China? Is that what we are aspiring to? Just two days go I sent out an email describing three programs the DHS implemented to spy on American citizens. Click here: Three More Domestic Spying Programs Revealed

4) What we must know-Under the provisions of the Patriot Act, the FBI has was given legal authority beyond what they previously had. The result has been abuses of NSL's (National Security Letters) The FBI can issue an NSL to L-1 Identity Solutions requesting information such as but not limited to citizens biometric samples/data/templates and you and I would know nothing about it. States have archived databases for their DMV's that L-1 controls. State DMV's would not know the information was provided to the FBI. NSL's require the company sent the NSL not to discuss the NSL with anyone. There are no search warrants or other legal instruments needed before the FBI issue NSL's.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Mark Lerner

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